
Friday, November 9, 2007

J2EE Interview questions and answers

201. What is normalization

The process of removing redundancy by modularizing, as
with subroutines, and of removing superfluous
differences by reducing them to a common denominator.
For example, line endings from different systems are
normalized by reducing them to a single new line, and
multiple whitespace characters are normalized to one

202. What is North American Industry Classification
System (NAICS)

A system for classifying business establishments based
on the processes they use to produce goods or

203. What is notation

A mechanism for defining a data format for a non-XML
document referenced as an unparsed entity. This is a
holdover from SGML. A newer standard is to use MIME
data types and namespaces to prevent naming conflicts.

204. What is OASIS

Organization for the Advancement of Structured
Information Standards. A consortium that drives the
development, convergence, and adoption of e-business

205. What is OMG

Object Management Group. A consortium that produces
and maintains computer industry specifications for
interoperable enterprise applications.

206. What is one-way messaging

A method of transmitting messages without having to
block until a response is received.

207. What is ORB

Object request broker. A library that enables CORBA
objects to locate and communicate with one another.

208. What is OS principal

A principal native to the operating system on which
the J2EE platform is executing.

209. What is OTS

Object Transaction Service. A definition of the
interfaces that permit CORBA objects to participate in

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